Jewish Temple

Question: What is the belief behind the book of Revelation being a prophecy about our current time in history and its connection to modern times?


Highly likely; as what we see in the Mid-East and worldwide leads to that tentative conclusion!

The major watch is Israel, and the next few years, re. their next Temple, the Temple site and the opposition to it by the Local populations!


Question: What does the cleansing of the Temple mean in Daniel 8:14?

There is yet to be a further Jewish Temple built in Jerusalem (which may be that of Ezekiel, opinion varies) which will be desecrated by the prophesied Anti-Christ (see: Matt. 24, etc.) & (Dan. 8:23–26).

At the present time, as the site of the Temple is apparently “the Temple Mount”, which is under the control of Islam, and managed by Jordon, this does not seem to be possible. However, as Israel has titular control of the site, despite the Jordanian agreement after the “six-day war” of 1967, there may be room for negotiation with the PA, when a stage is reached for a mutually beneficial agreement.

When that takes place, the building of the Temple will not take long, as materials and planning are well in hand!

After its dedication, the description in Daniel of this personage who will exalt himself as God described in Matt. 24, will need to be “cleansed”, before the True worship of God, and His Son can proceed, who by then will be in residence, in the “cleansed Temple”; and their “Name will be One” Zech.14:9!


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